Our mission
Our idea was born and flourished in Cologne. Both the name and our brand stand for fighting spirit, quality and locality. We offer our athletes optimised clothing and accessories that are tailored to their sport and help them to break through their limits on the wall. All our clothes are made in Poland to ensure the highest European standards while minimising transport distances and carbon footprint.

The cotton we use is labelled with the Oeko-Tex seal.

Our lime is produced near Hamburg and bottled and packaged in Langenfeld. It is of German pharmacy quality to give you the best and smoothest lime you'll ever get your hands on. We are regionally rooted and sustainably committed in cooperation with local partnerships and want to not only maintain this in the future, but also expand it.

Felsenfest – Nachhaltige Boulderbekleidung mit Verantwortung

Qualität, Regionalität & Nachhaltigkeit – unsere MissionEuropäische Produktion für höchste Standards & kurze TransportwegeFaire Arbeitsbedingungen & umweltfreundliche Materialien

Von Köln in die Boulderwelt – unsere Geschichte & WerteOEKO-Tex-zertifizierte Baumwolle & verantwortungsvolle ProduktionKletterkalk in deutscher Apothekenqualität – nachhaltig verpacktPartnerschaften & regionale Verwurzelung für eine bessere Zukunft